Awakening by Julliette1919

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Mass Media Bias part 1

Thoughts on Media

In the World I grew up in, Russian people were the ones being lied to by their media. Chinese people, too, were brain-washed and only allowed access to ‘approved’ films and literature. Today it is frightening to realize that those tactics are now extensively at work right here in the West. On the free Sky channels, today, you will find the same news morning noon and night in most of the available channels. Not only is the populations of the West fed the same News items, more alarmingly, they are all fed the same slant on these news items.

The more trusting of you may well say ‘We have great news coverage of the World. As long as we have the facts we can put our own slant on it.’

Firstly, I am afraid it is not true that we have great coverage of World events. We see only the events our Government and media barons want us to see. For example, there has been a great deal of coverage about deaths caused by the Syrian Government troops during recent months. At the same time, absolutely no coverage is given of the violence and deaths caused by those who want to destroy the Assad regime. On the same topic, a great deal of misinformation from Syria was aired as the ‘truth’ although it was blatant propaganda. Now that those films have been proven to be fabricated you would expect a free media to be outraged at having the wool pulled over their eyes. You might expect discussion programmes long into the night about where the truth really lies. You would expect these things, if the media you watch actually aired the findings of those who have uncovered the lies within those ‘amateur videos’.

Secondly as is obvious from the first points, the facts read out before us day in day out on almost every media channel and newspaper are not really facts at all. What seems to be happening is that the Western Governments are being coerced by lobbyists with a very great deal of money. Some of the cash goes into individual pockets as in the case of the Blairs. (Usually the rewards come in after the faithful service is over.) In many cases the cash goes to the lackey’s political party allowing it to enjoy many more years in power than it deserves. Unfortunately, it takes little effort to buy a politician who is already well endowed with the prejudices and blinkers of years of elitist education.

These leading politicians will be entrusted to choose certain countries or fall guys for their most prejudiced attention. The end result may be many years away but that doesn’t really matter to the super rich. Eventually the money from that country’s pillaged resources will come rolling in and it will be payback time for the media moguls and government lackeys who oiled the machines of war.

By war, I do not only refer to actual guns and bombs. A great deal of warfare today is going on with economic sanctions and the introduction of crippling debt. These weapons bring countries to their knees just as assuredly as weapons of mass destruction. The third form of warfare prevalent today is the information war. Propaganda, lies and distortion coming from the media,

Thanks to a collaborative media, the general public cheer for and even demand the acts of aggressive illegal violence against target nations.

How can our Western Governments be in the wrong when they are fighting these evil foreigners who do unspeakable stuff to their own people.

The experts trotted out daily for sound bites are hand-picked to provide the desired slant on the situation which of course will be aired on every channel in the Western hemisphere throughout the day. Ergo this form of warfare must be just and right. We are so much better than those evil Russians Iranians Islamists Chinese and anybody else currently annoying the Banking elite by refusing to enter into their massive debt ridden currencies or refusing to do what the American Government asks it to do or stubbornly hanging on to their precious resources which the West thinks it has a right to.

People who would deny that this is how World politics is being conducted, may have problems with their long term memories. Only a few years back, Saddam Hussein had those nasty weapons of mass destruction being carted about Iraq on trucks. Didn’t he? The media churned out lie after lie, day in day out, to a gullible public. Dodgy deaths, resignations and bullying took care of anyone daring to criticize these reports. However, millions of people went on marches to let the Government know we had not been fooled. Eventually, after a strong country was decimated and left lying in the gutter, the truth surfaced.

There were no weapons of mass destruction. Tony Blair and Bush knew there were no WMD’s. They discussed motives for war together and chose this one as the most likely to be believed. They knew when they reported Saddam’s ‘45 minutes to destroying London’, that this was an outright lie. They consciously worked to create the illusion that Saddam Hussein’s Government was working with terrorists, knowing that the complete opposite was the case. Hand in hand with their media buddies, these criminals of the highest order proceeded to carry out their psyops on people, not just in the West but all over the World, and they succeeded.

Even those spineless rebels who would quietly mutter their doubts about the veracity of these allegations, fell eagerly into line as soon as project ‘Shock and Awe’ began. While millions of innocent Iraqis died they did the ‘honourable’ thing and supported the troops.

Nobody has yet been imprisoned nobody even charged with this crime of the century. The only hope for justice is that there are many places that Bush, Blair and his associates can no longer wander because their crimes are known and they would be arrested under International laws.

What do the wonderful British press have to say now. The mainstream media does not even appear to care.

By the way, who has the real Weapons of Mass Destruction? Who is not only a real danger to the World but is actually known to use them on innocent men women and children? Only the most warlike, empire building, greedy country that ever inhabited this World. The US of A.

You will never hear of America’s empire building on our media. When the USA attacks a country it is always liberating it from a ruthless dictator. There are no voices of dissent, whatever atrocities committed by America or its faithful cohorts.

The New York Times spoke of its role in the propaganda in a spotlighted me culpa on May 26 2004.

Much of the media accepted the Administrations labels without challenge as they accepted the very reason for going to war without challenge….

We published information that was controversial then and seems questionable now, was insufficiently qualified or allowed to stand unchallenged.

Looking back, we wish we had been more aggressive in re-examining the claims as new evidence emerged or failed to emerge.’

Dan Rather of CBS said

Look I am an American, When my country goes to war I want my country to win. I can’t and don’t argue that that is coverage without prejudice. About that I am prejudiced.

A lot of people wonder where are the young of today when it comes to these issues? Although I have no idea why anyone would want to leave their conscientious objection to their countries atrocities to its teenagers, there are very compelling reasons for the absence of young protestors.

For a start, the banks have managed to get them into the web of debt previously reserved for the more mature of us.

Secondly the media deliberately avoids the kind of coverage that got my generation up off their bums and out on the streets. You see very few civilian casualties, hardly any blood and gore and absolutely no discussion of the ethics of the war in civilized debates. While civilian deaths at the hands of Western forces are counted in the millions, the media have deemed them hardly worth a mention. In stark contrast the death of a British soldier fills every news slot when it comes through. Abdul Henderson, a deserter from the Iraqi war said,

You used to see the atrocities, the real horror. The media has done a really good job in suppressing our stress.

Today I prefer Russian TV to the BBC because it will at least examine important issues from different points of view. I can barely watch or listen to the BBC, on the other hand, because it follows Government propaganda to the letter. ITV can hardly be called independent when it always follows suit. Sad to say that the most remarkable thing about the few gems issuing forth from Channel Four is their rarity. When not spouting jingoistic rhetoric against the most recent designated fall guys, the best you can say about the standards of information on these channels is that they are utterly banal. In a less benign frame of mind, I find them to be criminally negligent.

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